Do your hard boiled eggs have green edges around the yolk? Is the egg shell hard to peel? If so, then take a moment and read this week’s Cooking Tip to learn how to make the perfect hard boild eggs.
1. Place eggs in a large, roomy pot filled with enough water so eggs are at least 1″ below the water’s surface. Add 1 tsp. baking soda (sodium bicarbonate helps the eggs separate from their shells, making them easy to peel) and place the pot (uncovered) on the stove.
2. Once the water comes to a rolling boil, let the eggs boil for one minute. After the 1 minute is up, remove the pot from the heat, place a lid on top, and let the eggs sit in the hot water for exactly 10 minutes.
3. Once the time is up, remove the eggs from the pot and place them, fully submerged, in a bowl of ice cold water for 5 minutes. At this time, you can either remove the shells immediately or peel as needed. Peeling the shells will be easy and your yolk will be beautiful (with no green/grey hue around the edges).
4. Enjoy!
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